PittPharmacy’s APhA-ASP Chapter Wins the 2019-2020 Operation Heart Award

PittPharmacy’s APhA-ASP chapter, consisting of 192 students, pharmacists, and faculty and staff members, won the regional award for Operation Heart at the APhA-ASP Midyear Regional Meeting which took place virtually November 2-6, 2020.  

Over the past year, Operation Heart held a total of 26 events which impacted over 400 patients. These events, which included tabling events, educational programs, a schoolwide step challenge, and social media campaigns provided students with the opportunity to educate the public on heart-healthy lifestyles and offer a variety of health screenings to assess blood pressure, BMI, CVD risk, and nutrition. All Operation Heart projects aim to promote heart health, and focus on disease states including hypertension, hyperlipidemia, smoking cessation, and various other heart diseases.  

The student pharmacists of Operation Heart are thankful for the opportunity to educate patients in the community and look forward to continuing to grow these projects in the future.