Julena Maurer

PGY2 Ambulatory Care, Global Health

    Education & Training

  • University at Buffalo School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences
Practice Interests
Global Health, Underserved care
Research / Project
Working title: An Evaluation of the Perception of Intranasal Naloxone Use in a Population Dealing with Homelessness
Program Director
Michele Hebda
Program Director Email
Buffalo, New York
Outside Interests
Traveling, Reading, Exploring the outdoors
Reason for attending
This program offers many unique experiences in my areas of interest, and the preceptors work hard to ensure their residents are getting the most out of the year. I am most looking forward to my time at the Birmingham Free Clinic and my international rotations in Honduras and Namibia! I knew I was interested in this program, even when looking for PGY-1 residencies, as my professional interests include global health and underserved care. This program is one of the few I found in the country that offer so many unique experiences in these areas.