Leah M. Korte

PGY2 Ambulatory Care, UPMC Presbyterian Shadyside

    Education & Training

  • Southern Illinois University Edwardsville
  • PGY1 Pharmacy Residency, Columbia VA Healthcare System
Practice Interests
Ambulatory care, health disparities, population health, diabetes, tobacco cessation
Research / Project
Impact of pharmacist intervention for respiratory diseases in patients with social determinants of health
Godfrey, IL
Outside Interests
Naps, cuddling with my cat Melrose, spending time with friends, reading, and watching anime
Reason for attending
UPMC as a whole captured my interest with their dedication to diversity and inclusion, equity, addressing health disparities, and providing affordable (and sometimes free) healthcare. Every interaction I had with preceptors, program directors and coordinators, and current residents made my desire to be at UPMC stronger. I chose the PGY2 PUH/SHY Ambulatory Care Residency Program due to the dedication and care evident from Drs. Hall and Miller with teaching residents and striving to give them the best experiences possible, as well as the rotation opportunities in this program, and the ongoing healthcare innovation at UPMC.