Tara M. Rogers

PGY1 Pharmacy, UPMC Shadyside

    Education & Training

  • B.S. Biology, Kent State University; PharmD, University of Pittsburgh
Practice Interests
Acute care, infectious diseases, teaching, research
Research / Project
Evaluation of the effect of pharmacist decision support software combined with prospective audit and feedback on the duration of antibiotic therapy for gram-negative bacteremia
Youngstown, OH
Outside Interests
I love hiking, canoeing, art/painting, and spending time with my two cats! I also collect records including 70s rock and modern pop.
Reason for attending
I chose a UPMC residency program I wanted to participate in the rich teaching, patient care, and research opportunities associated with a large academic medical center. Shadyside specifically has the resources of a large hospital combined with the community feel of a smaller hospital which makes working here a pleasure.