As stated in our mission, "The School of Pharmacy is committed to improving health through excellence, innovation, and leadership in education research, patient care, and service." It is our vision to be an outstanding school renowned for excellence in everything we do. We share with you several documents.
The School of Pharmacy's Strategic Plan for 2023 - 2028
The Annual Report tracks our progress toward our vision and the realization of our Long-Range Plan.
The Making Medicines Work for People publication highlights research, education, and patient-care accomplishments and acknowledges the generosity of our alumni and friends.
Pitt Pharmacy ACPE Self Study 2025
PittPharmacy is a publication produced twice a year by the School of Pharmacy. It is mailed to all alumni, students, and friends of the school.
The Resident Research Report is a publication produced yearly describing the research projects of the pharmacy residents.
The Residents' Roar is a yearly newsletter that features our current residents and provides updates on alumni of our residency program.
The Pitt Capsule is a student produced newsletter for PharmD students. It is written, edited, and published by the students.