Joshua Cinicola (Class of 2022) received an American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education (AFPE) Gateway to Research Award. His proposal was titled "Development of an Extended Release Film for Vaginal Delivery of the Integrase Inhibitor MK-2048 for the Prevention of HIV Infection." The award will allow him to pursue a project within PittPharmacy's Infection and Prevention Control Program (IPCP) "Film Antiretroviral Microbicide Evaluation (FAME)" which is funded through NIAID at NIH.
The project will provide Cinicola with opportunities to expand his wet bench laboratory skills as well as introduce him to areas of project management, regulatory filings with the FDA, and clinical protocol development.
The primary goal of the Gateway to Research Scholarship program is to help students gain an understanding of the importance of research by enabling them to apply that knowledge to improve their clinical skills.