American Geriatrics Society Awards Niznik Twice

PittPharmacy graduate student Joshua Niznik, PharmD  was recently awarded two major awards at the American Geriatrics Society (AGS) Annual Meeting in Orlando, Florida. Niznik was recipient of the AGS Scientist-in-Training Award. The award is presented annually to one doctoral student who submitted the most outstanding abstract to the meeting and demonstrates a promising career as a geriatrics scientist. At the meeting, Niznik presented his work as a podium presentation entitled "Validating the MDS Mortality Risk Index in Older Adult Veterans Using MDS v3.0." This presentation was awarded the Best Paper Award for the Health Services and Policy Research section. The project used VA data to develop and validate a mortality prediction measure for Veteran nursing home residents and was completed under the supervision of his primary advisor  Carolyn Thorpe, PhD, MPH.