American Society of Transplantation Grant Awarded to Moore
Cody Moore, PharmD '14 was recently awarded a travel grant from the American Society of Transplantation to attend the 2015 Fellows Symposium in Grapvine, Texas, September 25-27, 2015. The symposium offers an in-depth and interactive study of clinical transplantation, basic transplant immunology, and translational science while offering important insights into career development and unparalleled access to expert faculty.
Moore is the first Postdoctoral Research Fellow in Solid Organ Transplantation at the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy. The goals of this program are to educate and train scientists who will assume leadership roles in transplantation research by performing cutting-edge science in support of the field's agenda, with specific emphasis on novel approaches to problems and immuotherapeutics, and to make substantial scientific contributions to improve the lives of transplant candidates and recipients.