APhA - ASP Committee Selects Zhu

PittPharmacy_DaisyZhu_001.JPGPittPharmacy student Daisy Zhu (Class of 2017)  was selected as a member of the 2015-2016 APhA - ASP National Communications Standing Committee. The American Pharmacist Association  Academy of Student Pharmacists (APhA-ASP) National Executive board awards four members to serve on the the National APhA-ASP Communications Standing Committee to serve for one year. Their responsibilities are: 1. Review, evaluate, and contribute to APhA - ASP publications in terms of their relevance and value to student pharmacists 2. Optimize the content, navigation, and awareness of the APhA-ASP website and e-presence 3. Collaborate with the APhA public relations department and to advise APhA-ASP chapters on how to better utilize media to promote the role of the pharmacist
The Standing Committee members are also required to attend the APhA Leadership Conference in Washington, DC April.