PittPharmacy's APhA-ASP chapter won the 2016-2017 Operation Diabetes Award for Region 2 at the Midyear Regional Meeting, Fall 2017. The chapter’s work with Rock the Block and their collaboration within and outside of the pharmacy school left a great impression with the awards committee.
Rock the Block was a Health and Wellness Fair held with the cooperation with local businesses, Uncover Squirrel Hill, Squirrel Hill Coalition, Giant Eagle, and Pure Barre. PittPharmacy worked closely with other health science schools at the university including, Pitt Dental Medicine, School of Nursing, and School of Nutrition to educate patients about prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of diabetes. By hosting a fun event, with exercise classes, music, and games, Pitt Pharmacy could advocate for both diabetes and the profession of pharmacy.
Throughout the 2016-2017 school year, Operation Diabetes created 5 new projects, hosted eleven events, and saw 3,013 patients with 192 chapter members were involved in the operation. Through public relations, the operation was able to reach 216,100 patients through the Talk to Your Pharmacist Bus Campaign, Eyes on Diabetes Social Media Campaign, and various print media.
The Operation Diabetes committee made great strides to impact patients last year and we are very proud of this award for their work.