Dylan Atkinson (Class of 2017) has been named the Region 2 Regional Liaison for Phi Lambda Sigma Pharmacy Leadership Society. Atkinson will be serving as one of 8 members selected from across the country to represent Phi Lambda Sigma on the National Level, and work as an intermediary between the National Executive Committee and the members of Region 2. In order to help increase communication efforts between the national membership and the executive committee, Atkinson works to establish relationships with the Phi Lambda Sigma chapters within the region. Through this role, he has represented both PittPharmacy and PLS at the American Pharmacists Association - Academy of Student Pharmacists Region 2 Midyear Regional Meeting. Atkinson will also serve on the editoiral board for PLS's National Newsletter, The Laurel, as well as review award applications, and help charter new chapters within the region. Atkinson has previously served on the Membership Selection Committee of Phi Lambda Sigma.