Dylan Atkinson (Class of 2017) has been selected to represent the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy at the 2016 National Association of Chain Drug Stores' (NACDS) RxImpact Day on Capitol Hill in March 2016. Atkinson will be travelling to Washington DC to represent PittPharmacy by meeting with legislators on Capitol Hill to discuss pharmacy issues. Atkinson will be joined by students from across the country representing their schools as well as pharmacists and pharmacy stakeholders. They will work together towards advancing the profession through advocacy efforts. Over 350 representatives will be attending the event to inform legislators about pro-pharmacy, pro-patient care efforts throughout the country. The representation process involved a written application and a letter of intent with NACDS representatives selecting the most qualified students to participate in the event. Atkinson has a passion for policy and advocacy and hopes to work with the legislators to provide optimal patient care through collaboration and patient-centered pharmaceutical care. He sees an amazing opportunity for pharmacists through healthcare reform, and works towards creating an environment where the public sees pharmacists as an essential member of their healthcare team.