A Therapeutic Drug Monitoring standard completed by Jan H. Beumer, PharmD, PhD, DABT and endorsed by the International Association for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring has recently been published in Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics. This manuscript represents the first therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM) white paper coming out of the recently founded Oncology section of the International Association for Therapeutic Drug Monitoring (IATDMCT). It is the first of a planned series, and it therefore sets the stage and outlines the parameters by which to judge the use of TDM for oncology agents. The authors are a balanced international combination of cancer pharmacologists and physician key opinion leaders in GI spanning the globe, who have been critical in achieving the right balance and critical appraisal of the data presented. It is expected that this white paper will advance the application of TDM in oncology.
Beumer is an associate professor in the pharmaceutical sciences department at PittPharmacy.