Faculty Receive Patient and Family Support Specialty Award
Ryan Rivosecchi, PharmD, Sandra L. Kane-Gill, PharmD, MS, FCCM, FCCP, and Pamela Smithburger, PharmD, MS, BCPS will receive the Patient and Family Support Specialty Award at the upcoming Society of Critical Care Medicine Congress in Phoenix, Ariz., January 2015, for their research entitled Giving Your Patients M.O.R.E: Implementing of a Non-pharmacologic Protocol to Prevent ICU Delirium.
Their research concluded that after bundling effective, single non-pharmacologic interventions together in an institution protocol there was benefit in reducing the time patients spent delirious. The investigators' abstract was the top scoring in the patient and family support category. This research is invited as an oral platform presentation because it ranked as one of the top scoring abstract submissions out of all the abstract submissions for the meeting.
Kane-Gill is an associate professor in the pharmacy and therapeutics department at the School of Pharmacy.
Smithburger is an assistant professor in the pharmacy and therapeutics department at the School of Pharmacy.
Rivosecchi is a critical care resident in the pharmacy and therapeutics department at the School of Pharmacy.