International Presentation by PittPharmacy's Phil Empey
Philip E. Empey, PharmD, PhD, BCPS presented at the 9th RiMED Symposium in Rome, Italy, Fall 2015. The Ri.MED Foundation was established in 2006 with an international partnership between the Italian Government, the Region of Sicily, the Italian National Research Council (CNR), the University of Pittsburgh and the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC). The Foundation, based in Palermo, promotes, supports and leads biomedical and biotechnological research projects, with emphasis on the translation of innovative results into clinical practice.
The title of the conference was “From Personalized Medicine to Big Data.” International experts gathered to to find strategies that enable physicians and scientists to sort through collected information efficiently and effectively in order to find meaningful relationships that lead to new insights in health and disease. The conference was in Rome at the in the distinguished location of Sala Zuccari in Palazzo Giustiniani, site of the Senate of the Italian Republic that granted its High Patronage for this event.
Empey's presentation, "Creating data-driven systems to personalize care through pharmacogenomics", provided a contemporary analysis of the clinical implementation of pharmacogenomics as well as a framework for research and education.
Empey is an assistant professor in the pharmacy and therapeutics department at PittPharmacy.