PittPharmacy faculty member Wen Xie, MD, PhD was an invited speaker at the 20th Microsomes and Drug Oxidations (MDO) Meeting held in Stuttgart, Germany on May 18-22, 2014.
Xie spoke at the symposium of Crosstalk Between Endogenous and Drug Metabolism. The title of Xie’s presentation was Xenobiotic Receptors and Xenobiotic Enzymes in Metabolic Disease. The biennial MDO meetings are the historical, international symposium series for the life science of drug metabolism, drug metabolizing enzymes, and related areas. The meetings have a goal in promoting the interaction of scientists from both academia and industry.
Xie is a professor of pharmaceutical sciences at the School of Pharmacy, the Joseph Koslow Endowed Chair in Pharmaceutical Science, and director of the Center for Pharmacogenetics.