Randy Juhl, PhD, Dean Emeritus and Distinguished Service Professor of Pharmacy Emeritus, was recently chosen to receive the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy Osterhaus Medal for Lifetime Achievement. He was recognized in October, in a ceremony that took place at the historic Old Capitol Building in Iowa City, during the University's 2021 homecoming.
The Osterhaus Medal is the highest honor given out by the University of Iowa College of Pharmacy. Every year, the award is bestowed upon one or more individuals who have achieved extraordinary excellence in the profession of pharmacy. The award was named after Robert and Ann Osterhaus, of Maquoketa, Iowa. Robert is the former owner of Osterhaus Pharmacy, a business that has been recognized nationally for their advancements in patient-centered care. The Osterhaus Medal for Lifetime Achievement celebrates practitioners who have also advanced the field of pharmacy in profound ways.
During his time as Dean of the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy (1986-2002), Juhl converted its entry level practitioner degree program from the Bachelor's level to the PharmD, instituted advanced practice residencies in conjunction with the University of Pittsburgh Medical Center and other partners, developed an innovative clinical scientist Ph.D. program and increased its endowment more than tenfold. In 2015, Juhl retired as the Vice Chancellor for Research Conduct and Compliance for the University of Pittsburgh and Distinguished Service Professor of Pharmacy.