Multiple Kappa Psi Members Awarded Scholarships at Regional Assembly

Kappa Psi Mountain East Province Assembly head shot


The Kappa Psi Beta Kappa Chapter traveled to Washington D.C. for the Mountain East Province (MEP) Assembly from April 8-10th, 2022. Over 100 brothers from around the province came together in-person for the first time since March 2020.

At the banquet, they awarded two scholarships and 3 Pitt Pharmacy students won them all! P3 Amanda Kan and P1 Michelle Gonsalves received the "Fun in the Sun" scholarship. This specific scholarship was all about their favorite Kappa Psi moments and what it meant to them. P2 Ruth Li won the "Creative Outlet" scholarship. Ruth was tasked with submitting a creative piece that outlined the four founding ideals of Kappa Psi.

All of the brothers were so happy to be back in-person and can't wait for future assemblies!

Kappa Psi Mountain East Province Assembly group shot