![Mo Kashoush and Britany Stottmeyer ouside Salk Pavilion](/sites/default/files/epittpharmacy-medialibrary/2020/05/PittPharmacy_Kashkoush_Stottlemeyer_0034.jpg)
![Britaney Stottlemeyer and Mo Kashkoush outside Salk Pavilion](/sites/default/files/epittpharmacy-medialibrary/2020/05/PittPharmacy-Stottlemeyer_Kashkoush_0049.jpg)
The first place winners of the Pharmacy Quality Alliance Healthcare Quality Innovation Challenge were none other than PittPharmacy and University of Pittsburgh members Mohamed Kashkoush (Class of 2021), Britney Stottlemyer (Class of 2021), Torrey Trahanovsky (BS, BA dual degree in Supply Chain Management, Information & Computer Science, Class of 2020) along with their advisor Alumnus Douglas Leung, '16, Senior Pharmacist, Gateway Health. The Pharmacy Quality Alliance Healthcare Quality Innovation Challenge was a national competition among pharmacy schools, held virtually, where students were tasked with proposing a business solution to a current healthcare quality issue. The team submitted the plan for opiAId.
The student's project is an EHR-integrated clinical decision support tool that uses machine learning to assess the opioid overdose risk of individual patients. It operates as a plugin service that is implemented within a variety of electronic health record systems, applying machine learning techniques to predict patient risk for experiencing an opioid overdose if prescribed an opioid drug regimen. This tool is designed to classify patients into low, moderate, or high risk categories based upon factors the machine learning algorithm has identified as pertinent. Research, development, and commercialization of the project will occur in four phases: algorithm training, clinical validation, implementation, and scaling.