Pitt Students Dominate PPA Poster Presentation

Eleven University of Pittsburgh students presented posters during the Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association’s (PPA) 2013 Mid-Year Conference. They joined eight other students from four other Pennsylvania pharmacy schools and two residents for the poster presentation which occurred during a reception before and immediately following dinner on the Saturday evening of the conference.

This is the second year for the Pitt students to be the largest group from any one school to participate in the poster session submissions, having been enthusiastically encouraged to participate by their faculty in order to gain valuable experience. The presentations sponsored by the PPA Educational Foundation are designed to encourage provocative thinking on pharmacy’s future and are to focus on innovation in pharmacy practice.

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The University of Pittsburgh students and their poster titles are as follows:
  • Brandon Antinopoulos and Natalie Pratte - Students as Catalysts for Change: Implementation and expansion of reimbursable MTM services
  • Tyler Chanas - Practice Enhancement: Increasing Compliance Through Staff Education
  • Julie DiBridge and Tara Bastawrous -Diabetes Care Initiative: A Call to Action
  • Ukwen Akpoji, Joni Carroll, Trey Draude, Kyle McGrath and Gordon Watkins - University of Pittsburgh: Pitt Pharmacy’s Million Heart March
  • Jocelyn Hatfield - Collaborative MTM: A Tandem Effort by Pharmacists and Dietitians for Diabetes and Hypertension Management
  • Matthew Joseph and Sarah Ward - Screening and Intervening on Potential Inappropriate Medication Use in Complex, High Risk Ambulatory Elderly
  • Alison Merkel - Motivational Interviewing: Increasing Smoking Cessation Compliance
  • Colleen Moroney and Matt Rinks - A Patient-Driven Approach to Hypertension Monitoring in the Community Setting
  • Andrew Nguyen - A Collaborative Approach to Opioid Counseling: A Pharmacy Model
  • Nicole Pezzino - Student Pharmacist Overcoming the Barrier to Non-Adherence in the Community Pharmacy Setting
  • Nicole Romstadt and Paula Nociolo - Student Pharmacists Providing Point of Care Counseling