PittPharmacy Alumna Bondar Wins ACCP Award

PittPharmacy_AnnaBondar_ACCP2015_1983.JPGAlumna Anna Bondar, PharmD '15  was selected as the winner of the Best Student Poster at the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) Global Meeting on Clinical Pharmacy in October 2015.  Bondar's research, "Antibiotic Use in San Jose del Negrito, Honduras" was research completed as part of her Area of Concentration in Global Health at PittPharmacy. Bondar received funding from the Center for Global Health at Pitt to complete her work in Honduras during her P4 year. Bondar was mentored on her research by ARCO-GH co-directors, Assistant Professor Lauren Jonkman, PharmD, MPH, BCPS and Assistant Professor Sharon E. Connor, PharmD. Bondar is currently a PGY1 Pharmacy Practice Resident at UPMC St. Margaret.