PittPharmacy Students Advance to ACCP Competition Finals

Aaron Devanathan, Cameron Ninos and Neil TurcoPittPharmacy's ACCP Clinical Pharmacy Challenge Team of Aaron Devanathan, Cameron Ninos and Neil Turco (Class of 2016 and Pharmacotherapy Scholars Program) have made it through the 4 online rounds of competition and will compete live at the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) annual meeting in October. They are part of the "Elite Eight" from a field of 108 teams of pharmacy students. The ACCP Clinical Pharmacy Challenge is a team-based competition. Teams of three students compete against teams from other schools and colleges of pharmacy in a “quiz bowl”–type format. Eligible teams have the opportunity to compete in up to four online rounds, with the top eight teams advancing to the live quarterfinal competition at the ACCP Global Conference October 17-21, 2015 in SanFrancisco.