PittPharmacy Students Win ACCP Poster Competition

Nick Farina, Kevin Ordons, Rachel Filiaggi, Marissa Csovelak and Melissa Shook sitting on stairsUpdate October 15, 2014: Our students won the best poster at ACCP! Class of 2015 students Nick Farina, Kevin Ordons, Rachel Filiaggi, Marissa Csovelak and Melissa Shook are finalists for their project Characterization of Delirium in a Medical ICU selected by the American College of Clinical Pharmacy’s (ACCP) Best Student Poster competition. The poster will be presented at the ACCP meeting in October 2014. Presentations will be evaluated on the quality of information presented and each presenter’s ability to answer questions.  Criteria is based on Originality, Rationale, and Significance; Methods; Results; Discussion/Conclusions; and Contribution to the Research/Response to Questions. Faculty mentors for these PittPharmacy students are Assistant Professor Pamela Smithburger, PharmD, MS, BCPS and Associate Professor Sandra L. Kane-Gill, PharmD, MS, FCCM, FCCP