Potoski, far left, pictured with members of the 2022 Emergency Medicine Pharmacy Specialty Council.
Pitt Pharmacy faculty member Brian Potoski, PharmD, ('99) was appointed by the Executive committee of the Board of Pharmacy Specialties (BPS) to serve as the non-specialist member of the newly created Emergency Medicine Specialty Council. The council is currently one of fourteen BPS specialty councils.
The term is for 3 years, and runs through 2024. Potoski was selected due to his experience in serving the BPS Infectious Diseases Specialty Council as inaugural chair from 2017 to 2019.
According to the organizations' website, the BPS Specialty Council serves the following purposes:
- To develop standards and eligibility requirements for board certification in the specialty area for approval by the BPS Board of Directors;
- To develop examinations and set the passing standard for initial and continuing certification of pharmacist specialists; and
- To approve and review professional development programs for recertification of pharmacist specialists.
Potoski is an associate professor in the Department of Pharmacy and Therapeutics at the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy.