Pringle Receives Funding for Community Pharmacy Data Projects
Janice L. Pringle, PhD has received support for the following projects under her direction:
Implementing Screenings, Brief Intervention within Community Pharmacies sponsored by UPMC Health Plan.
Pringle's Program and Evaluation Research Unit (PERU) will train two organizational champions (clinical coordinators) at Giant Eagle on how to implement SBI; to effectively support the implementation of the interventions using motivational interviewing principles and implementation science principles; and to effectively evaluate data collected from the project to facilitate application of the intervention with fidelity. These champions will then train, with PERU's assistance, approximately 25 community pharmacists in these interventions and techniques.
Organizational Health Assessment Sponsor sponsored byMorehouse School of Medicine.
PERU will provide an organizational health assessment, including strengths and weaknesses, and determine what actions need to be taken to achieve the sponsor's long-range vision.
Additional Analysis of the Pennsylvania Project Data
This project will provide additional analysis of the data from a previous study. That study evaluated the effectiveness of a patient care approach involving screening and brief interventions upon medication adherence and downstream health care costs. Additional analysis will provide invaluable information regarding which patients responded best to the SBI intervention and more information regarding what healthcare costs and events were most impacted by the patient health changes associated with SBI.
Pringle is an associate professor in the pharmacy and therapeutics department at PittPharmacy.