Resident Sarah Dombrowski PharmD Receives PPA 2013 Grant.

Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association Educational Foundation Announces 2013 Grant Recipients.

Sarah DombrowskiCongratulations to Sarah Krahe Dombrowski, PharmD, a community practice resident with the University of Pittsburgh and Rite Aid Pharmacy, who was selected for her study “Identifying key factors associated with successful integration of patient care services into dispensing workflow: a traditional community chain pharmacy evaluation” by the Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association Educational Foundation.   Her co-investigators are: Stephanie Harriman McGrath, PharmD; Jennifer Bacci, PharmD; Kim Coccodrilli Coley, PharmD.
 The Foundation annually awards up to four grants of up to $1,000 each for the purpose of the exploration of innovative and best pharmacy practices, especially focusing on patient centered outcomes. [caption id="attachment_79" align="aligncenter" width="403"]Dombrowski_CLIP Sara Dombrowski presents to pharmacy alumni and students as part of the Community Leadership Innovation Practice (CLIP) workshop.[/caption]