For the Second Year, Poloyac Chairs AACP Research and Graduate Committee.
Samuel M. Poloyac, PharmD, PhD is serving a relatively unprecedented second year as Chair of the Research and Graduate Affairs Committee (RGAC) of the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy. Poloyac first led the establishment of competencies for the PittPharmacy graduate program about a decade ago. As chair, he is leading the RGAC to identify competencies for graduate education, develop collaborative research opportunities for schools, and identify emerging areas for innovation in graduate education in the pharmaceutical sciences. The RGAC will also recommend AACP programming that focuses on pharmaceutical sciences graduate education.
This committee is composed of leaders in graduate education from accredited colleges and schools of pharmacy. Annual reports of the RGAC are published in the American Journal of Pharmaceutical Education.
Poloyac is the Associate Dean for Graduate and Postdoctoral Programs at the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy.