Pitt Pharmacy faculty member Shilpa Sant, PhD delivered a plenary lecture at the 9th AAPS-NUS PharmSci@Asia Symposium held at Fudan University, Shanghai, China on June 5-6 2014. Sant's presentation was entitled Biomimetic Three-dimensional Microenvironments: From Disease Models to Regenerative Scaffolds.
PharmSci@Asia is a joint symposium set up by The American Association of Pharmaceutical Scientist (AAPS) - National University of Singapore (NUS) Student Chapter. This symposium is held annually, and it serves as an excellent platform for faculty members and students from different universities in Asia to share the latest research advances in pharmacy science as well as to build friendship-network.
Sant also presented at the 2014 Annual Conference of Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences (CSPS) held at Centre Mont-Royal, Montreal, Canada June 10-13 2014. This was a joint conference organized by Canadian Society for Pharmaceutical Sciences (CSPS) and Canadian Chapter of the Controlled Release Society (CC-CRS). The theme of this year's conference was Promoting Today’s Ideas for Tomorrow’s Medicines: Pharmaceutical Science to Regulatory Science with the focus on the cross-industry/academic connections and innovative solutions needed to take the Pharma/Biotech industry in Canada to the next level.
Sant's talk was entitled Towards Biomimetic Three-dimensional Microenvironments: Biomaterials and Microfabrication Approach. Sant participated in the "Triskaidekaphobia" Mentoring Breakfast for Trainees as a mentor from academia to discuss the potential challenges related to future career transitions to academia.
Shilpa Sant, PhD is an assistant professor in the department of pharmaceutical sciences at the School of Pharmacy. Sant holds secondary appointments in the Department of Bioengineering and McGowan Institute for Regenerative Medicine.