Stevenson Presents Pharmacogenomics Study for Annual Conference in China
PittPharmacy faculty James M. Stevenson, PharmD, MS, BCPP presented at the Chinese Society of Clinical Pharmacy Annual Conference in Xiamen, China, May 2017. His presentation, entitled Pharmacist-lead precision medicine initiatives in the United States: a focus on pharmacogenomics outlined the work he and PittPharmacy colleagues Philip E. Empey, PharmD, PhD, BCPS, James Coons, PharmD, BCPS (AQ CV), Lucas A. Berenbrok, PharmD, and graduate student Solomon A. Adams, PharmD have championed in the area of pharmacogenomics.
Stevenson's talk featured clinical, research, and education initiatives lead by the team. The PreCISE-Rx project tailors antiplatelet medication therapy in patients based on a genetic test. In addition to this clinical intervention, the team collects blood samples for research to try to find new genetic markers that can improve therapy. In the educational realm, Stevenson described the PittPharmacy Test2Learn™ platform, which gives learners the opportunity to participate in hands-on exercises and clinical cases using their own genetic data.
Stevenson is an assistant professor in the Pharmacy and Therapeutics Department at the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy.