The National Consumers League (NCL) and its partners announced the winners of the ninth annual Script Your Future Medication Adherence Team Challenge, a competition designed to engage health profession students and faculty across the nation by encouraging teams to develop creative initiatives to raise public awareness about the importance of medication adherence.
PittPharmacy was awarded the Creative Inter-Professional Team Event Award. The University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy partnered with the Schools of medicine, dentistry, social work, nursing, dietetics, and rehabilitation sciences, to organize a team of over 300 students and volunteers to execute their medication adherence outreach. PittPharmacy harnessed the interdisciplinary nature of their team to build a campaign serving older adults in their community, from a holistic treatment perspective. The team addressed issues like hypertension, social isolation, and food insecurity. Throughout the Challenge, team members directly counseled over 130 patients and reached over 2,200 patients.
PittPharmacy students have participated for the past 6 years and each year our students have been recognized with a national award:
AACP Script Your Future Innovative Inter-professional Award : 2017, 2018, 2020!
AACP Script Your Future National Award: 2015, 2016, 2019!
“Despite the challenges that the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic had on participating schools, the Script Your Future Medication Adherence Team Challenge continues to be an innovative avenue for our future healthcare professionals to engage with their local communities,” said Executive Vice President and CEO at AACP Dr. Lucinda L. Maine. “The communications avenues utilized, resources shared, and events held in these communities provide essential information and strategies for patients to improve their medication adherence and ultimately their health outcomes.”
Photos above were taken Pre-Covid 19 pandemic.