Students Win Clinical Skills Competition at the ASHP Midyear Meeting!
PittPharmacy students Lindsay Jablonski and Mary Grace Fitzmaurice competed against teams from 134 other schools of pharmacy to take first place in the Clinical Skills Competition at the American Society of Health-System Pharmacists (ASHP) Midyear Clinical Meeting.
The competition requires students to evaluate a patient case and develop a prioritized treatment plan, including goals of therapy, treatment recommendations and monitoring parameters. The teams with the highest scores on their written cases defend their treatment plans to a panel of judges. A team wins based on the combined score from the written and oral components.
The semi-final round required teams to develop a written treatment plan for an older adult with community-acquired pneumonia and COPD, among other tertiary health problems. The PittPharmacy team of Fitzmaurice and Jablonski received the highest score on their written treatment plan and after adding the scores from their oral presentation, took first place in the competition