Xie's Grant Researches Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes Management
PittPharmacy Professor Wen Xie, MD, PhD was awarded a competitive renewal R01 grant for The AHR-FGF21 Axis in Hepatic Steatosis and Metabolic Syndrome.
The aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) was previously known as a xenobiotic receptor that regulates drug metabolism. This project will focus on a novel function of AHR in fatty liver and type 2 diabetes. Results suggest that development of non-toxic AHR activators may be a novel approach to manage obesity and type 2 diabetes.
Xie has also been appointed an editorial board member of Molecular Pharmacology, a leading pharmacology journal published by the American Society of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics (ASPET) in addition to being editorial board member of Drug Metabolism and Disposition, another ASPET journal dedicated to drug metabolism studies.
Xie is The Joseph Koslow Endowed Chair in Pharmaceutical Sciences, Professor of Pharmaceutical Sciences and Pharmacology, in the Pharmaceutical Sciences Department at the School of Pharmacy.