Xue Presents at SFB Annual Meeting

PittPharmacy_YingfeiXue_0151Graduate student Yingfei Xue was selected to present his poster, PEGylated Poly(ester amide) Elastomers with Tunable Physico-chemical, Mechanical and Degradation Properties, at the Society for Biomaterials (SFB) 2015 Annual Meeting in Charlotte, North Carolina, April 15-18, 2015. The research was a collaboration between PittPharmacy graduate students Yingfei Xue and Akhil Patel. The materials showcased in this research have tunable physicochemical, mechanical, and degradation properties for a wide range of biomedical applications. SFB annual meeting is the key conference exhibiting the cutting edge of biomaterials science from a variety of disciplines. Assistant Professor Shilpa Sant, PhD,  is Xue’s faculty advisor and Vinayak Sant, PhD is his co-advisor.