Viet Hoang Man

Research Instructor

Dr. Viet H. Man earned his BS and MS of Physics from Hanoi University of Science in Vietnam. He completed his PhD study in biophysics and received doctorate degree of Physics from Institute of Physics, Polish Academy of Sciences (Poland). In 2017, He joined School of Pharmacy in University of Pittsburgh after his postdoctoral fellow at Department of Physics, North Carolina State University.

Dr. Viet has obtained broad training in Cryolab, solid-state physics and biophysics. He has extensive expertise in molecular dynamics (MD) simulations, calculations of protein-ligand binding affinity, and amyloid aggregation. He is an active developer of AMBER and GROMACS, which are most popular packages used for performing MD simulations. His primary focus on protein aggregation and related neurodegenerative diseases.

Center Affiliation(s)
Computational Genomics Screening Center
Practice Area/Expertise
Amyloid aggregation, Drug design/development