The University of Pittsburgh has identified the core competencies of clinical researchers in the pharmaceutical sciences (see our 2011 publication in AJPE). Our interactive tool details the skills that all students within the Clinical Pharmaceutical Scientist program achieve through graduate training and can be used to differentiate this training from traditional graduate and fellowship programs.
Select a section below to view individual competencies and the courses from our curriculum through which you will achieve these skills.
* Asterisk denotes properties specific to the Clinical Pharmaceutical Sciences track
Extract literature from appropriate bibliographic sources.
Course Title
- Seminar (PHARM 3024/3025)
- Journal club (PHARM 3027 or 3000)
- Teach me to teach you (PHARM 3043)
- Grant writing (PHARM 3038)
- Clinical pharmacy environments (PHARM 3067)
- Topics in translational research (PHARM 3034)
Critique clinical and scientific evidence derived from literature.
Course Title
- Statistics (PHARM 3040)
- Seminar (PHARM 3024/3025)
- Journal club (PHARM 3027 or 3000)
- Grant writing (PHARM 3038)
- Clinical pharmacy environments (PHARM 3067)
- Topics in translational research (PHARM 3034)
*Describe the current state of knowledge about a biomedical, clinical, or public health problem.
Course Title
- Pharmacology and Therapeutics (PHARM 3028)
- Seminar (PHARM 3024/3025)
- Journal club (PHARM 3027 or 3000)
- Introduction to translational research (PHARM 3140)
- Grant writing (PHARM 3038)
- Topics in translational research (PHARM 3034)
Interpret primary research literature within the pharmaceutical sciences.
Course Title
- Statistics (PHARM 3040)
- Journal club (PHARM 3027 or 3000)
- Drug development II (PHARM 5218)
- Foundations in pharmaceutical sciences (PHARM 3071)
- Advanced pharmacokinetics (PHARM 3002)
- Pharmaceutical analysis (PHARM 2001)
- Clinical pharmacy environments (PHARM 3067)
- Topics in translational research (PHARM 3034)
Generate a relevant biomedical, clinical, public health, or translational research hypothesis.
Course Title
*Defend the clinical and public health implications of a given research hypothesis.
Course Title
Design appropriate experiments to address generated research questions in the pharmaceutical sciences.
Course Title
- Statistics (PHARM 3040)
- Foundations in pharmaceutical sciences (PHARM 3071)
- Grant writing (PHARM 3038)
- Clinical research methods (CLRES 2010)
- Pharmaceutical analysis (PHARM 2001)
- Clinical pharmacy environments (PHARM 3067)
Conduct appropriate experiments to address generated research questions.
Course Title
- Statistics (PHARM 3040)
- Foundations in pharmaceutical sciences (PHARM 3071)
- Pharmaceutical analysis (PHARM 2001)
- Clinical pharmacy environments (PHARM 3067)
Evaluate possible problems in the design and execution of a study in the pharmaceutical sciences.
Course Title
- Statistics (PHARM 3040)
- Seminar (PHARM 3024/3025)
- Journal club (PHARM 3027 or 3000)
- Foundations in pharmaceutical sciences (PHARM 3071)
- Advanced pharmacokinetics (PHARM 3002)
- Clinical research methods (CLRES 2010)
- Pharmaceutical analysis (PHARM 2001)
- Clinical pharmacy environments (PHARM 3067)
- Topics in translational research (PHARM 3034)
Describe the drug development process.
Course Title
- Journal club (PHARM 3027 or 3000)
- Drug development II (PHARM 5218)
- Foundations in pharmaceutical sciences (PHARM 3071)
- Advanced pharmacokinetics (PHARM 3002)
- Pharmaceutical analysis (PHARM 2001)
*Develop appropriate methods to recruit and retain study participants for a selected research design.
Course Title
- Statistics (PHARM 3040)
- Ethics and regulation of clinical research (CLRES 2050)
- Clinical pharmacy environments (PHARM 3067)
*Identify important outcome measures for incorporation into patient oriented clinical trial design.
Course Title
- Statistics (PHARM 3040)
- Clinical research methods (CLRES 2010)
- Clinical pharmacy environments (PHARM 3067)
- Topics in translational research (PHARM 3034)
*Generate a plan for data security/management.
Course Title
- Grant writing (PHARM 3038)
- Ethics and regulation of clinical research (CLRES 2050)
- Clinical pharmacy environments (PHARM 3067)
*Develop an approach to overcome barriers in translating research to humans.
Course Title
*Design appropriate, ethically sound, and hypothesis-driven clinical studies.
Course Title
- Statistics (PHARM 3040)
- Clinical research methods (CLRES 2010)
- Ethics and regulation of clinical research (CLRES 2050)
- Clinical pharmacy environments (PHARM 3067)
*Identify barriers in translating research discoveries into meaningful changes in human health.
Course Title
Apply fundamental principles of statistical analysis, such as power analysis, correlation, causation, regression, and summary statistics.
Course Title
- Statistics (PHARM 3040)
- Journal club (PHARM 3027 or 3000)
- Grant writing (PHARM 3038)
- Advanced pharmacokinetics (PHARM 3002)
- Analysis of variance and regression (CLRES 2021)
- Topics in translational research (PHARM 3034)
Select the appropriate statistical approach for the interpretation of preclinical and clinical datasets.
Course Title
- Statistics (PHARM 3040)
- Journal club (PHARM 3027 or 3000)
- Advanced pharmacokinetics (PHARM 3002)
- Clinical research methods (CLRES 2010)
*Define bias in clinical and translational research.
Course Title
- Statistics (PHARM 3040)
- Clinical research methods (CLRES 2010)
- Ethics and regulation of clinical research (CLRES 2050)
Develop appropriate conclusions based on results from research data.
Course Title
*Identify federal and non-federal agencies and programmatic initiatives aimed at translating research to clinical care of patients.
Course Title
- Introduction to translational research (PHARM 3140)
- Grant writing (PHARM 3038)
- Clinical pharmacy environments (PHARM 3067)
Defend a written research proposal describing specific research aims, significance, innovation, and approach.
Course Title
*Defend a written research proposal that describes specific research aims, significance, innovation, and approach for a human clinical trial.
Course Title
Develop presentations describing proposed research, research in progress, or research findings.
Course Title
- Statistics (PHARM 3040)
- Seminar (PHARM 3024/3025)
- Journal club (PHARM 3027 or 3000)
- Teach me to teach you (PHARM 3043)
- Clinical pharmacy environments (PHARM 3067)
- Topics in translational research (PHARM 3034)
*Assess the clinical implications of scientific information.
Course Title
- Seminar (PHARM 3024/3025)
- Journal club (PHARM 3027 or 3000)
- Introduction to translational research (PHARM 3140)
- Clinical pharmacy environments (PHARM 3067)
- Topics in translational research (PHARM 3034)
Prepare publication/presentation quality abstracts, posters and manuscripts.
Course Title
Develop an appropriate response to constructive criticism of oral and written presentations.
Course Title
Demonstrate professionalism, interpersonal skills and collegial approaches to teamwork.
Course Title
- Journal club (PHARM 3027 or 3000)
- Teach me to teach you (PHARM 3043)
- Introduction to translational research (PHARM 3140)
- Clinical pharmacy environments (PHARM 3067)
- Topics in translational research (PHARM 3034)
Mentor students in research, clinical, or professional activities.
Course Title
*Develop a therapeutic protocol/guideline for medication related issues or management
Course Title
Recognize the strengths and limitations of personal research skills.
Course Title
Recognize scientific misconduct and conflict of interest.
Course Title
*Demonstrate knowledge of the standards of professional and ethical conduct established to guide researchers in protecting the rights, well-being, and dignity in the recruitment and retainment of human subjects in clinical research.
Course Title
- Clinical research methods (CLRES 2010)
- Ethics and regulation of clinical research (CLRES 2050)
- Clinical pharmacy environments (PHARM 3067)
*Give examples of the informed consent process including an understanding of the risk/benefit criteria and its impact on the patient/volunteer.
Course Title