This residency is focused in critical care pharmacotherapy, clinical research, and academia and is meant to increase the resident's knowledge, skills, attitudes, and abilities to raise the resident's level of expertise in medication therapy management and clinical and academic leadership.
The PGY2 critical care pharmacy residency is designed to transition PGY1 residency graduates from generalist practice to specialized practice focused on the care of critically ill patients. The graduate will be equipped to participate in interdisciplinary teams caring for critically ill patients, assuming responsibility for the medication-related aspects of care. Critical Care residency graduates are proficient in the care of patients as they are first admitted to the ICU, through their entire stay, until they are transitioned to another level of care.
In addition to these direct patient care responsibilities, critical care residency graduates are trained to serve as authoritative resources in their health systems for the optimal use of medications in critically ill patients, developing and implementing medication-related guidelines and protocols, providing drug information, and the critical care pharmacy perspective regarding technology and automation. Graduates will also be highly skilled in the design and delivery of education and training related to critical care for a wide spectrum of potential audiences, including the patient and/or caregiver as well as health care professionals in practice or in training.
The PGY2 residency in critical care pharmacy is designed to transition PGY1 residency graduates from generalist practice to specialized practice that meets the needs of critically ill patients. PGY2 residency graduates exit equipped to be fully integrated members of the interdisciplinary critical care team, able to make complex medication and nutrition support recommendations in this fast-paced environment. Training focuses on developing resident capability to deal with a range of diseases and disorders that occur in the critically ill. Special emphasis is placed on the complexities of multiple organ system failure and the difficulties imposed on care when patients require life-sustaining equipment.
Graduates of the critical care residency are experienced in short-term research in the critical care environment and excel in their ability to teach other health professionals and those in training to be health professionals. They also acquire the experience necessary to exercise leadership for critical care practice in the health system.
Our residency graduates exit equipped to be fully integrated members of the interdisciplinary cardiovascular team, able to make complex pharmacotherapy recommendations in this fast-paced environment. Training focuses on developing resident capability to deal with a range of diseases and disorders that occur in the critically ill population.
Graduates are experienced in short-term research in critical care environment and excel in their ability to teach other health professionals and those in training to be health professionals. They also acquire the experience necessary to exercise leadership for this focus in the health system. A strength of our program and a significant focus is on academic pharmacy practice
We are a program dedicated to training clinical specialists in an environment that is rich in academic and research opportunities. Our preceptors are nationally recognized experts in their specialty and are dedicated to resident success!
Residency Program Director
Lara Groetzinger, PharmD, BCCCP
- Brian Baum, PharmD
- Neal J. Benedict, PharmD
- Abby Chiappelli, PharmD, BCCCP
- Joseph B. Durkin, PharmD, BCPS
- Bonnie Falcione, PharmD BCPS
- Lara Groetzinger, PharmD, BCCCP
- Catherine Kim, PharmD, BCPS
- Dr. Danine Sullinger, PharmD, BCCCP
- Cory Weaver, PharmD, BCCCP
- Janine Then, PharmD, BCPS
Current Residents
Abigail Cochran, PharmD
Kayleigh Yaeger, PharmD
Past Residents and First Positions
Caitlin McHugh | 6/30/2019 | Clinical Specialist | Allegheny General Hospital, Emergency Medicine |
Abby Meyer | 6/30/2020 | Clinical Specialist | UPMC Presbyterian, Surgical Trauma |
Victoria Williams | 6/30/2021 | Assistant Professor | The Ohio State University |
Marissa Campagna | 6/30/2022 | Clinical Specialist | Northwestern Memorial Hospital |
Madeline Mitchell | 9/1/2023 | Clinical Pharmacist | Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital, Neuro ICU/ED |
Joshua Dorazio| | 6/30/24 | | Clinical Pharmacist | Massachusetts General Hospital |
This PGY2 Critical Care pharmacy residency program builds on Doctor of Pharmacy (Pharm.D.) education and PGY1 pharmacy residency program to contribute to the development of clinical pharmacists in the specialized areas of practice of critical care. This PGY2 Critical Care Residency provides residents with opportunities to function independently as practitioners by conceptualizing and integrating accumulated experience and knowledge and incorporating both into the provision of patient care that improves medication therapy. Residents who successfully complete an accredited PGY2 pharmacy residency in Critical Care should possess competencies that qualify them for clinical pharmacist and/or faculty positions and position them to be eligible for attainment of board certification in Critical Care.
Graduates of the critical care residency are experienced in short-term research in the critical care environment and excel in their ability to teach other health professionals and those in training to be health professionals. They also acquire the experience necessary to exercise leadership for critical care practice in the health system.
Our residency graduates exit equipped to be fully integrated members of the interdisciplinary intensive care unit team, able to make complex pharmacotherapy recommendations in this fast-paced environment. Training focuses on developing resident capability to deal with range of diseases and disorders that occur in the critically ill population.
Graduates are experienced in short-term research in critical care environment and excel in their ability to teach other health professionals and those in training to be health professionals. They also acquire the experience necessary to exercise leadership for this focus in the health system. A strength of our program and a significant focus is on academic pharmacy practice.
Program Experiences
- Medical Intensive Care Unit
- Surgical Trauma Intensive Care Unit
- Cardiac Intensive Care Unit
- Transplant Intensive Care Unit
- Neuro Trauma Intensive Care Unit/ Post Cardiac Arrest
- Emergency Medicine
- Precepting
- Cardiothoracic Intensive Care Unit
- Advanced ICU experience
Outcomes research, Academia, Community Hospital Intensive Care Unit
Manual/Policy and Procedures Will be provided by program
Employment Information
Start Date: July 1, 2025
Term of Appointment: 1 year
Stipend and Benefit Information
Yearly Stipend: $56,552
Paid Time Off: 20 days
Benefits: UPMC Graduate Medical Education Benefits
Travel: Meeting travel not required as travel funding determined yearly and not guaranteed
Application Requirements
All residents must be eligible for pharmacist licensure in the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. Applications for Pharmacist License and Intern Registration are available.
Application Process
Eligible candidates will have completed an ASHP accredited PGY1 pharmacy residency program and must submit the standard application requirements via PhORCAS by December 31st. An on-site interview may be required.
This residency site agrees that no person at this site will solicit, accept, or use any ranking related information from any residency candidate.
2020-2021 UPMC/University of Pittsburgh Residencies Preceptor of the Year- Pamela L. Smithburger, PharmD, MS, BCPS, BCCCP, FCCP, FCCM
2020-2021 UPMC/University of Pittsburgh Residencies Resident Educator of the Year- Victoria Williams, PharmD
2008 Residency Preceptor of the Year - Amy Seybert
University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy
2009 Pharmacy Residency Excellence Preceptor Award - Amy Seybert
ASHP Research and Education Foundation
2012 SCCM, Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology Section Patient Safety Technology Award* for using simulation-based learning toreduce medication errors in critically ill patients. (Ford*, Seybert, Kane-Gill, Smithburger)
2013 SCCM, Clinical Pharmacy and Pharmacology Section MedicationSafety Award* for evaluating the impact of transfer summaries as part of an active surveillance system for the detection of ADEs in the ICU (Anthes*, Kane-Gill, Smithburger, Seybert)Medical Center, Phoenix, AZ
2016 ASHP Residency Excellence Award- Preceptor (Kane-Gill)2016 UPMC Health System Residency Preceptor of the Year (Falcione)
*= PGY2 Resident at the time
Rea RS*, Ansani NT, Seybert AL. Role of inhaled nitric oxide in adult heart or lung transplant recipients. Ann Pharmacother 2005, 39:913-7.
Rea RS*, Kane-Gill SL, Rudis MI, Seybert AL, Oyen LJ, Ou NN, Stauss JL, Kirisci L, Idrees U, Henderson SO. Intravenous amiodarone for the treatment of in-hospital cardiac arrest due to pulseless ventricular tachycardia/ventricular fibrillation (AMVENT Trial). Crit Care Med 2006, 34(6):1617-1623
Bellamy CJ*, Kane-Gill SL, Falcione BA, Seybert AL. Neuroleptic malignant syndrome in traumatic brain injury patients treated with haloperidol. J Trauma, 2009;66:954-958.
Smithburger PL*, Kane-Gill SL, Nestor BL*, Seybert AL. Recent Advances and Opinion of the Treatment of Hypertensive Emergencies. Crit Care Nurse 2010. (In Press)
Smithburger PL*, Kane-Gill SL, Seybert AL. Significance of Drug-Drug Interactions in Cardiac Intensive Care Units. Drug Safety (Accepted)
Ford DG*, Seybert AL, Smithburger PL*, Kobulinsky LR, Samosky JT, Kane-Gill SL. Clinical Impact of Simulation-Based Learning Compared to Traditional Didactic Lecturing on Medication Administration Error Rates in Critically Ill Patients. Intens Care Med, March 19, 2010. DOI 10.1007/s00134-010-1860-2
Smithburger PL, Seybert AL, Armahizer MJ*, Kane-Gill SL. QT prolongation in the intensive care unit: commonly used medications and the impact of drug-drug interactions. Expert Opin Drug Saf, 2010;9(5):1-14.
Smithburger PL*, Kane-Gill SL, Benedict N, Falcione BA, Seybert AL. Grading the severity of drug-drug interactions in the intensive care unit: A comparison between clinical opinion and database severity ratings. Ann Pharmacother 2010; 44:1718-1724.
Gokhman R*, Smithburger PL*, Kane-Gill SL, Seybert AL. Pharmacokinetic rationale for combination therapy of pulmonary arterial hypertension. J Cardiovasc Pharmacol 2010;56(6):686-95. PMID:20838230
Smithburger PL*, Kane-Gill SL, Benedict N, Falcione BA, Seybert AL. Grading the severity of drug-drug interactions in the intensive care unit: A comparison between a severity assessment instrument and database severity ratings. Annals of Pharmacotherapy 2010;44(11):1718-24 PMID: 20959499
Devabhakthuni S, Armahizer M*, Dasta JF, Kane-Gill SL. Analgosedation: A paradigm shift in ICU sedation practice. Ann Pharmacother 2012;46:530-540
Harinstein LM*, Kane-Gill SL, Smithburger PL, Culley CM, Reddy VK, Seybert AL. Use of a laboratory-drug combination alert to detect drug-induced thrombocytopenia in critically ill patients. J Crit Care. 2012;27(3):242-9. PMID:22520497
Anthes, AM*, Harinstein LM*, Smithburger PL, Seybert AL, Kane-Gill SL. Improving adverse drug event detection in critically ill patients through screening intensive care unit transfer summaries. Pharmacoepidemiol Drug Saf 2013; 22:510-16
Armahizer M*, Seybert AL, Smithburger PL, Kane-Gill SL. Drug-drug interactions contributing to QT prolongation in the ICU.
Smithburger PL, Kane-Gill SL, Lohr BR, Kloet MA*, Seybert AL. Advancing interprofessional education through the use of high fidelity human patient simulators. Pharm Pract 2013;11:61-65
Kloet MA*, Lohr B*, Smithburger PL, Seybert AL, Kane-Gill SL. Prospective assessment of inpatient boxed warning prescriber adherence. J Patient Saf. J Patient Saf. 2017;13(1):25-30
Wong A*, Benedict NJ, Armahizer MJ, Kane-Gill SL. Evaluation of adjunctive ketamine to benzodiazepines for the management alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Ann Pharmacother 2015;49:14-9
Wong A*, Benedict NJ, Kane-Gill SL. Multicenter evaluation of pharmacologic management and related outcomes associated with severe resistant alcohol withdrawal. J Crit Care 2015;20:405-9.
Rivosecchi RM*, Garavaglia J, Kane-Gill SL. An evaluation of intravenous vitamin K for warfarin reversal: Are guideline recommendations being followed? Hosp Pharm 2015;50:18-14.
Rivosecchi RM, Smithburger PL, Svec SM, Campbell S, Kane-Gill SL. The effect of non-pharmacologic interventions to prevent the development of delirium: An evidence based systematic review. Crit Care Nurse 2015;35:39-49.
Lyons P, Nery J, Rivosecchi R*, Smithburger PL, Kane-Gill SL. Fentanyl induced hyperalgesia in acute pain management. J Pain Palliat Care Pharmacother 2015;29:153-60.
Wong A*, Benedict NJ, Lohr B, Pizon A, Kane-Gill SL. Management of benzodiazepine-resistant alcohol withdrawal across a health system: benzodiazepine dose escalation with or without propofol. Drug Alcohol Depend 2015;154:296-9.
Wong A*, Smithburger PL, Kane-Gill SL. Review of adjunctive dexmedetomidine for the management of severe alcohol withdrawal syndrome. Am J Drug Alcohol Abuse 2015;41:382-91.
Rivosecchi RM*, Kane-Gill SL, Svec S, Campbell S, Smithburger PL. Giving your patients M.O.R.E.: The implementation of a non-pharmacologic protocol to prevent intensive care delirium. J Crit Care 2015; 31:206-11.
Rivosecchi RM*, Kellum JA, Dasta JF, Armahizer MA, Bolesta S, Buckley MS, Dzierba A, Frazee E, Johnson H, Kim C, Murugan R, Smithburger PL, Wong A, Kane-Gil SL. Drug class combination-associated with acute kidney injury: A review of the literature. Ann Pharmacother 2016; 50(11):953-972.
Rivosecchi RM*, Kane-Gill SL, Garavaglia J, MacLasco A, Johnson HJ. The effectiveness of intravenous vitamin K in cirrhotic patients with coagulopathy in the intensive care unit. Int J Pharm Pract 2017;(in press).
Smithburger PL, Korenoski AS*, Kane-Gill SL, Alexander SA. Perceptions of family members, nurses, and physicians on involving the patient's family in delirium prevention activities in a medical intensive care unit. Crit Care Nurse 2017 (in press).
Shoulders BR*, Smithburger PL, Tchen S*, Kane-Gill SL. Characterization of guideline evidence for off-label medication use in the intensive care unit. Annals of Pharmacotherapy. 2017;51(7):529-42.
Weaver CB*, Kane-Gill SL, Gunn SR, Kirisci L, Smithburger PL. A retrospective analysis of antipsychotics in the treatment of ICU delirium. Journal of Critical Care. 2017;41:234-9.
A Systematic Review of ICU and Non-ICU Clinical Pharmacy Services Using Telepharmacy.
Strnad K, Shoulders BR, Smithburger PL, Kane-Gill SL.Strnad K, et al. Ann Pharmacother. 2018 Dec;52(12):1250-1258. doi:
10.1177/1060028018787213. Epub 2018 Jul 9.Ann Pharmacother. 2018. PMID: 29984590
Reply: Sufentanil Sublingual Tablet: A New Option for Acute Pain Management.
Reardon CE, Kane-Gill SL, Smithburger PL, Dasta JF.Reardon CE, et al. Among authors: smithburger pl. Ann Pharmacother. 2020 Jun;54(6):619. doi:
10.1177/1060028019891163. Epub 2019 Nov 28.Ann Pharmacother. 2020. PMID: 31775520 No abstract available.
Sufentanil Sublingual Tablet: A New Option for Acute Pain Management.
Reardon CE, Kane-Gill SL, Smithburger PL, Dasta JF.Reardon CE, et al. Among authors: smithburger pl. Ann Pharmacother. 2019 Dec;53(12):1220-1226. doi:
10.1177/1060028019863144. Epub 2019 Jul 7.Ann Pharmacother. 2019. PMID: 31280585 Review.