News & Publications
School News
Rafael Saenz, PharmD, MS, FASHP was the guest lecturer for the James P. and Nancy A. Mastrian Young Professionals Lecture Series on Monday, September 23,…
Pharm D student Kathy Monangai (Class of 2020)…
Team Members Presenting to CLE Judges
Test2Learn™ team and University of Pittsburgh faculty members Philip Empey (Pharmacy), Mylynda Massart (Family Medicine), James Stevenson (Pharmacy), and Lisa…
Christine M. Ruby, PharmD, BCPS, BCGP, FASCP was recently inducted as Chair for the American Association of Colleges of Pharmacy (AACP) Geriatric Special…
Graduate student Keito Hoshitsuki, '17 was awarded the 2019-2020 Rho Chi - American Foundation for Pharmaceutical Education (AFPE) First Year Graduate…
PittPharmacy's Beta Kappa Chapter was recognized as the 8th Collegiate Chapter out of 110 Chapters at the 59th Grand Council Convention in Washington, DC,…
L to R: Joni Carroll, Stephanie McGrath, Melissa McGivney, Kim Coley, and Sophia Cothrel
Kathy Monangai (Class of 2020) was elected as the National Vice President of the Student National Pharmaceutical Association (SNPhA) during the NPhA/SNPhA…
Outcomes and Pharmacoanalytics Research Fellow Alvaro San-Juan-Rodriguez, PharmD was awarded a “la Caixa” Foundation fellowship supporting his PhD in Health…
Amy Donihi, Associate Professor of Pharmacy & Therapeutics (photo left) is an author on a State of the Art Review on Diabetic Ketoacidosis and…
PittPharmacy's Assistant Professor Kerry Empey, PharmD, PhD, Lead I
Update: July 31, 2019: Additional Funding for CHAMP
PittPharmacy Professor Donna M. Huryn, PhD founded and co-organized the first annual 2019 Empowering Women in Organic Chemistry Conference held on Friday,…
Melissa McGivney PharmD, FCCP, FAPhA received a grant from Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association for her research titled "State Public Health Actions to…