News & Publications
Faculty News
Join us in congratulating our 2021-22 Pitt Pharmacy Preceptors of the Year! From our student nominations, three of our preceptors were honored with the 2021-22 Scott R. Drab Preceptor of the Year…
Pitt Pharmacy professor Wen Xie, MD, PhD, delivered an invited lecture at the 2022 AHR Symposium: Toxicity to Therapeutics that was held at College Station, Penn State University, PA,…
Amy Lynn Seybert, PharmD, who served the past 12 years as chair of the Department of Pharmacy and Therapeutics, has been named the new dean of the…
Melissa McGivney, PharmD, FCCP, FAPhA, was awarded a Chancellor's Special Distinguished Service Award as a part of the Pitt COVID-19 Medical Response Office and for leading the…
Venkataramanan, second from right, pictured with University of Puerto Rico faculty.
Raman Venkataramanan, Ph.D., FAAPS, has been recognized as the Hispanic in Research…
Maria Lowry, PharmD ('15), BCPS, BCGP represented Pitt Pharmacy and UPMC Palliative and Supportive Institute at the American Academy of Hospice and Palliative…
Brian Potoski, PharmD, BCPS-AQ ID, was selected as the co-recipient of the 2022 Innovation in Teaching Award by the University of Pittsburgh Alpha Omicron Chapter of Rho Chi.
Pitt Pharmacy Assistant Professor Kangho Suh, PharmD, PhD, received a subaward to develop cost-effectiveness models for the Institute of Clinical and Economic Review (ICER) in…
Potoski, far left, pictured with members of the 2022 Emergency Medicine Pharmacy Specialty Council.
Raman Venkataramanan, PhD, was an invited member of a "Consensus Conference on BK virus infection in kidney transplant patients". This conference, organized by The Transplantation…
With one of the largest sections of student and faculty attendance, PittPharmacy APhA-ASP Students - earned FIVE awards at the conference. The students competed for these national awards…
The Pittwire recently featured Gordon J. Vanscoy (PHARM ’84, BUS ’91G), and his wife, Bethann, in a story about the renaming of the University of Pittsburgh Health Sciences annual symposium in…