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School News
Pitt Pharmacy presented 28 out of the close to 300 posters at the recent 2015 APhA meeting in SanDiego. Two of the posters won the APhA-APPM Merit Award representing members of PittPharmacy…
Michelle Myers (Class of 2016) and faculty mentor Olufunmilola K. Odukoya, BPharm, PhD were selected as recipients for the 2015 Walmart Scholars Program at the American Association of Colleges of…
From nearly 100 applicants across the country, PittPharmacy student Dylan Atkinson (Class of 2017) was chosen as the Paul G. Cano Legislative Intern through the American Society of Consultant…
Lauren Woolley (Class of 2017) was selected as a 2015-16 Fellow through the Pittsburgh Schweitzer Fellows Program. Woolley will work with FOCUS Pittsburgh to implement medication management and…
Cassandra Bloor and Kelsey Moss (Class of 2016) were awarded the American Pharmacists Association-Academy of Pharmacy Practice and Management (APhA-APPM) Presentation Merit Award on Monday, March…