News & Publications
School News
Congratulations Clinical Skills Competition Winners for 2014 Aaron Devanathan and Neil Turco (class of 2016). PittPharmacy held its Annual Clinical Skills Competition on Tuesday, October 7, 2014…
The PittPharmacy Career Expo was held on September 30, 2014 at the Lower Lounge of the William Pitt Union. Several companies and hospital recruiting representatives discussed future employment and…
The Annual Pittsburgh AAPS Student Research Symposium was held at the O'Hara Student Center on October 17, 2014 co-hosted by PITT's AAPS Student Chapter and Duquesne University's AAPS Student…
Pamela Smithburger, PharmD, MS, BCPS was awarded the 2014 ACCP Critical Care PRN's 2014 Leadership for her leadership in the setting of the Secretary/Treasurer of the PRN as well as the inaugural…
On Wednesday, October 15, 2014 the P1 class participated in PittPharmacy's 23rd Annual Career Roundtable event held at the O’Hara Student Center Ballroom. Thirty-five alumni and friends…
PittPharmacy Professor Wen Xie, MD, PhD chaired the session Metabolism and Physiology at the 6th Great Lakes Nuclear Receptor Conference (GLNRC) held in Madison, Wisconsin, October 17-18, 2014.
PittPharmacy Alumna Jennifer Bacci PharmD '11 was recently recognized as one of ten outstanding pharmacists who have been practicing for less than ten years by the The Pennsylvania Pharmacists…
Firuz G Feturi, BS has been appointed as the Graduate and Professional Student Government (GSPG) Representative on the Provost’s Advisory Committee on Women’s Concerns.
Aaron Devanathan (Class of 2016) and Madison Adams (Class of 2017) were recently awarded the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) Student Travel Award to attend the Annual Meeting October…
Madeline Chavara, (class of 2017) was recently elected to the Corporate Relations Committee for the International Pharmaceutical Students Federation (IPSF). Chavara will serve on this committee…
The University of Pittsburgh Chapter of Student Societies of Health-System Pharmacy (SSHP) recently won the Outstanding Professional Development Project Award from American Society of Heath-System…
Graduate student Firuz G.
The 2014 Student Government Relations Award was recently presented to PittPharmacy students by The Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association (PPA) during their Annual Conference held September 2014…
PittPharmacy students were the team winners of the Achieving Independence Competition for the THIRD YEAR IN A ROW during the competition at Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association (PPA) Annual…
The Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association (PPA) recently honored Stanton Jonas PharmBS '51, MPH with the Mortar and Pestle Award during PPA’s 2014 Annual Conference held at the Four Points by…