News & Publications
Student News
Tuesday, February 2, 2019
PPA Educational Foundation Elects New Board Member
The Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association Educational Foundation recently elected Victoria Blake to a one year term as a student member of the…
Tuesday, February 2, 2019
Pharmacy Students Are Panther Forward
PharmD students Melanie Umbaugh, Seana Armstrong and Vincent Piro, (class of 2021) have been accepted to the inaugural class of the Panthers Forward Program.…
Thursday, January 1, 2019
PittPharmacy Stakes Its Claim in Space
PittPharmacy is proud to be the FIRST pharmacy school in Pennsylvania and in the nation to have a pharmaceutical research project on an upcoming space mission!
Monday, December 12, 2018
ASCP Awards Student Organization
An abstract submitted by The Student Chapter of the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP) was selected as one of the top four at the ASCP National Conference held at National Harbor,…
Friday, November 11, 2018
2017-2018 Generation Rx Awarded to PittPharmacy Students
PittPharmacy's APhA-ASP chapter won the 2017-2018 Generation Rx Award for Region 2 at the APhA-ASP Midyear Regional Meeting.
With the collaboration of 223 student pharmacists, faculty and…
Friday, November 11, 2018
PittPharmacy SPPA Receives Government Relations and Advocacy Award
Left to right: Abigail Kois (Class of 2020), Shannon Ye (Class of 2019) and PittPharmacy Advisor Brandon Antinopoulos, PharmD '14
The University of Pittsburgh Chapter of SPPA was awarded the…
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Inter-professional Team Awarded at Pitt's Blue Hack
The University of Pittsburgh Innovation Institute awarded PittPharmacy PharmD student Allen Potter, Yichi Zhang, (…
Monday, October 10, 2018
PittPharmacy PharmD Student Patel Presents at FDA
After completing a 12-week internship at AstraZeneca in the summer of 2018, Divya Patel (PharmD Class of 2020) presented her work at the FDA headquarters at the White Oak campus, Silver Spring,…
Wednesday, October 10, 2018
Eichinger Receives Vaccine Renaissance Scholarship
Katherine Eichinger, a graduate student in the lab of PittPharmacy Assistant Professor Kerry Empey, PharmD, PhD was recently selected as a Vaccine Renaissance Scholarship recipient.
Monday, September 9, 2018
PittPharmacy Presents at 2018 FIP International Pharmaceutical Federation World Congress
PittPharmacy faculty, staff, and students traveled to Glasgow, Scotland…
Wednesday, September 9, 2018
Rice Appointed to ACCP Advisory Committee
PharmD student Mikhaila Rice (Class of 2019) was appointed to serve on the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) National Student Network Advisory Committee as a Member-at-Large. The…
Tuesday, August 8, 2018
PharmD Student Casal Awarded STARS Grant
Morgan Casal (Class of 2019) was awarded the Kidney STARS (Students and Residents) travel grant from the American Society of Nephrology (ASN) to attend ASN Kidney Week in San Diego, California,…
Monday, August 8, 2018
SNPhA/NPhA Recognizes PittPharmacy Chapter
Photo Above (L to R): Hager Mohamedein (Class of 2021), Olivia Fritz (Class of 2020), Louis Williams, PhD (PittPharmacy Alumnus), Martha Ndung’u (Class of 2019), Kathy Monangai (2020)
Monday, August 8, 2018
PittPharmacy Ndung’u Honored with Diversity Award
SNPhA Chapter President, Martha Ndung’u (Class of 2019) was honored with the Walgreens Chapter President Diversity Award at the July Student National Pharmaceutical Association/National…