Entry Criteria
To be considered for entry into the Pharmacotherapy Scholars Program, one must meet the following criteria:
- Students in the third professional year (P3) of the University of Pittsburgh
- GPA ≥ 3.0 in the professional pharmacy curriculum (P1-3 years)
- Committed to entering pharmacy residency training after P4 year
Applicants seeking admittance to the Pharmacotherapy Scholars Program must compile the following application materials and submit them via email to Marian Klanica by October 1. Candidates should confirm receipt of all application materials with Ms. Parnell prior to this deadline. The written portions of the application should be single-spaced with 1-inch margins and 11 point font.
- Current academic transcript.
- Current curriculum vitae (CV), which must, at minimum, include the following categories, (if applicable): IPPE rotations, work experience, presentations, publications, research experience, and professional association involvement.
- Letter of intent/interest (not to exceed 1 page). See Paloucek FP. Better letter of intent for pharmacy residency applications. Am J Health Syst Pharm 2011;68:2218.
- Two (2) letters of recommendation. At least one (1) must be from a Pitt faculty member. These letters are to be emailed directly to Ms. Klanica by the recommender, not by the candidate.
Scholars will be interviewed for program entry by a panel including one of the program directors, three (3) of the program faculty members, and one (1) of the current Scholars. The interview will last approximately 2 hours and consist of:
- Program introduction by one of the directors (15 minutes)
- Case review and completion (45 minutes)
- Panel interview of 4 scholar candidates (30 minutes)
- Individual faculty case review (30 minutes)
Selected candidates will be offered program positions at the end of October.