Student News

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Student News

Tuesday, November 11, 2014
Eichinger Receives AIC2014 Travel Award

Graduate student Katherine Eichinger, MS, PharmD  was chosen to receive one of the National Multiple Sclerosis Society and the Autumn Immunology Conference travel awards. Eichinger will be…

Thursday, October 10, 2014
Hoang Receives Kappa Psi Recognition and Regional Post Karen Hoang (class of 2016)  was elected to the regional position of Vice Satrap (equivalent to vice president) at the Kappa Psi Mountain East Province Fall Assembly held in Pittsburgh, September 26-…
Thursday, October 10, 2014
Devanathan and Turco Win 1st Round Clinical Skills Competition

Congratulations Clinical Skills Competition Winners for 2014 Aaron Devanathan and Neil Turco (class of 2016). PittPharmacy held its Annual Clinical Skills Competition on Tuesday, October 7, 2014…

Saturday, October 10, 2014
PittPharmacy Career Expo 2014

The PittPharmacy Career Expo was held on September 30, 2014 at the Lower Lounge of the William Pitt Union. Several companies and hospital recruiting representatives discussed future employment and…

Tuesday, October 10, 2014
Career Roundtable 2014 Recap

On Wednesday, October 15, 2014 the P1 class participated in PittPharmacy's 23rd Annual Career Roundtable event held at the O’Hara Student Center Ballroom. Thirty-five alumni and friends…

Friday, October 10, 2014
PittPharmacy Graduate Student Feturi on Provost Committee for Women

Firuz G Feturi, BS has been appointed as the Graduate and Professional Student Government (GSPG) Representative on the Provost’s Advisory Committee on Women’s Concerns.

Friday, October 10, 2014
PittPharmacy Students Devanathan and Adams Receive ACCP Travel Award

Aaron Devanathan (Class of 2016) and Madison Adams (Class of 2017) were recently awarded the American College of Clinical Pharmacy (ACCP) Student Travel Award to attend the Annual Meeting October…

Thursday, October 10, 2014
Madeline Chavara IPSF Committee Member

Madeline Chavara, (class of 2017)  was recently elected to the Corporate Relations Committee for the International Pharmaceutical Students Federation (IPSF). Chavara will serve on this committee…

Wednesday, October 10, 2014
Outstanding Professional Development Project Award to PittPharmacy Students

The University of Pittsburgh Chapter of Student Societies of Health-System Pharmacy (SSHP) recently won the Outstanding Professional Development Project Award from American Society of Heath-System…

Monday, October 10, 2014
PittPharmacy Graduate Student Feturi to Attend TERMIS-AM Conference

 Graduate student Firuz G.

Thursday, October 10, 2014
Student Organization Wins Government Relations Award

The 2014 Student Government Relations Award  was recently presented to PittPharmacy students by The Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association (PPA) during their Annual Conference held September  2014…

Thursday, October 10, 2014
3 Time Winners: PittPharmacy Students Achieving Independence Competition

PittPharmacy students were the team winners of the Achieving Independence Competition for the THIRD YEAR IN A ROW during the competition at Pennsylvania Pharmacists Association (PPA) Annual…

Tuesday, October 10, 2014
Jonas Salk Fellowship Recipient Chelsea Henderson: JHF Health Care Participant On September 22, 2014 the Jewish Health Care Foundation welcomed 42 multidisciplinary graduate students who will deploy systems thinking to tackle issues in
Wednesday, October 10, 2014
PittPharmacy Students Win ACCP Poster Competition

Update October 15, 2014: Our students won the best poster at ACCP! Class of 2015 students Nick Farina, Kevin Ordons, Rachel Filiaggi, Marissa Csovelak and Melissa Shook are finalists for their…

Thursday, August 8, 2014
Alshogran Selected ASN Kidney STARS Program PittPharmacy PhD Candidate Osama Alshogran has been selected to participate in the STARS program at the American Society of Nephrology (ASN) K