Lambda Kappa Sigma strives to elevate women in pharmacy through professional excellence and personal growth. Our sisters lead with integrity, inspire excellence, and positively impact our community.
Founded in 1913 at the Massachusetts College of Pharmacy by librarian Ethel J. Heath, LKS has now initiated over 24,000 members and has chartered 49 campus and 38 alumni chapters. The Delta chapter at the University of Pittsburgh School of Pharmacy was established in 1918. Our chapter is involved in a variety of professional, service, social, and fundraising events, including Project HOPE.
Since 1958 Project HOPE has made long-term, sustainable health care available for people around the world and has been the organization’s philanthropy for over 30 years. Our chapter prides itself in numerous events throughout the year supporting this cause. Also notable is an annual donation to the National Ovarian Cancer Coalition (NOCC) through a fundraising event, thus supporting an important women’s health issue. Through collaboration, our members promise to continue events such as this that help the community at large.
Core Values
Sisterhood, Leadership, Service, Scholarship, Integrity
Esse Quam Videri – “To be, rather than seem to be"
Executive Board
Ann Kozak
Vice President
Mira Farah
Grace Nolder
Brinn Mancuso
Leia Millan