Phi Delta Chi Pharmacy Fraternity develops leaders to advance the profession of Pharmacy. Phi Delta Chi, a life-long experience, promotes scholastic, professional, and social growth in its Brothers. In this way, we encourage service to patients and improvement of the public health and our profession. We help people become better people.
As a national organization, Phi Delta Chi strives to improve its programs to better serve our Brothers, our profession, and the public. Each Brother strives to improve as a person and as a pharmacist. We all strive to reach more Brothers by expanding to more colleges of pharmacy. And we strive to strengthen our local and national bonds with alumni Brothers across the country.
Alterum Alterius Auxilio Eget
“Each Needs the Help of the Other”

To advance the science of pharmacy and its allied interests, and to foster and promote a fraternal spirit among its members.
“A man should first direct himself in the way he should go; only then should he instruct others.” – Siddhartha Gautama Buddha.
Old Gold and Dregs of Wine.
The Red Carnation.
Founding Fathers
Charles Edward Bond, Franklin Herbert Frazee, Llewellyn Hall Gardner, Calvin Pomeroy Godfrey, Adolph Gustave Hoffman, Arthur Gilliam Hopper, Charles F. Hueber, George Pawling Leamon, Arthur Sidney Rogers, Azor Thurston, and Albert Tenny Waggoner.
Executive Board
Vice President